Mrs Janet Maxwell

Vice-Chair of Local Governing Body - Foundation LGB Member

 Mrs Janet Maxwell

I was appointed as a Foundation Governor in 2016 and commenced duties at the start of the autumn term.

I have always had an interest in education, believing that with the right foundation in early years, it forms the basis forthe children to have improved options and opportunities in the future.

My professional life allowed me to encourage, support and sponsor young people in further education. This included the supervision of apprenticeships, NVQs, and professional accounting qualifications whilst also acting as a mentor to some students.

Prior to retirement, I worked in industry for 40 yrs where I ultimately held a senior financial position. I bring this varied financial experience to the role of Governor and will endeavour to ensure that funding and expenditure is matched to the needs of the children so that each individual child has the opportunity to reach their potential.

Outside of the financial aspect, I think it is important that the children receive a good all-round education giving them the confidence to apply themselves in future life. Therefore through my role as a Governor I will be involved in the life of the school wherever appropriate.