Assessment & Reporting

The Purpose of Assessment

Assessing the progress of individual children is key to informing the learning process. It ensures that your child’s needs are being identified and planned for thoroughly in school. It also enables us to identify their achievements and plan for individual adaptations where necessary.

The Assessment Cycle

Teaching staff use a range of assessments throughout the school year. Every lesson throughout every school day, teachers will be doing marking and feedback and making judgements about the progress of each child in the class. Teachers may adapt their future lessons based on these judgements to make the learning easier for children to access or more challenging for children who are working at a higher level.

At the end of each term, both pupil attainment and progress are recorded and reported to the headteacher and this is fed back to parents at consultation meetings or (in the summer term) the end of year report. Progress is measured from the start of the academic year to the end of the academic year. Attainment is measured and reported against national standards and will inform you about how your child is working against the age-related expectations for your child’s year group.

Parent Consultations

Parents are invited to a termly meeting to discuss how their child is progressing at school. Consultations take place in the Autumn Term and the Spring Term, with a written report sent home in the Summer Term. Meeting with your child’s class teacher to discuss their academic or personal development is not limited to Parent Consultations and appointments can be made to speak to the class teacher or the school’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator at any time of the school year to share your worries or concerns. 

Statutory Assessments

National assessments take place in some year groups. The year groups with statutory assessments are as follows:

  • Reception – Baseline Assessment on entry to school
  • Year 1 – Phonics Check (June)
  • Year 2 - optional SATs tests in reading, writing, SPaG and maths. (May)
  • Year 4 – Multiplication Tables Check (June)
  • Year 6 – SATs tests in reading, writing, SPaG and maths. (May)

Teachers will communicate with you before any statutory tests take place so that you are informed about how your child is being prepared for them in school and how the assessments are being administered. In the meantime, the headteacher, or your child’s class teacher, can also answer any questions that you might have about them.