Mrs Judith Shingler

Foundation LGB Member

Mrs Judith Shingler

I became a Foundation Governor in the Autumn Term of 2015. I have long been interested in Ambleside Primary School as both my sons were pupils here during the period from 1983 to 1993. I was a parent governor for some years, being involved in the process of the Infant and Junior schools merging to form the Primary School.

Having taught in Primary schools in Preston, Birmingham and Coniston before my children were born I have a special interest in Primary Education. These formative years in a child’s life benefit enormously from being spent in a close-knit community. I hope to use my membership of the congregation of St. Mary’s Church to further links between the school and the church.

My hope for every child in this school is that they have the opportunity and the encouragement to fulfil their potential.
Everything I have seen so far points to this being within their grasp.