Mrs Alison Broom


Mrs Alison Broom

I became a school governor in September 2023 when I was appointed headteacher here at Ambleside C of E Primary School. I have been a teacher for over 25 years and have taught in both large and small primary schools. I have a broad range of experience in school leadership roles and am able to bring this experience to my role here at Ambleside.

Within the governing body, my role is to make strategic decisions in the running of the school with the rest of the governing body. I also share information about the day-to-day life of the school with the governing body to make sure that they have a clear picture of how the school is performing, sharing our successes and highlighting development work that we are working on throughout the year.

I am passionate about my role and believe that an inspiring and engaging education can be transformative. It is with this in mind that every decision I make for the school is made with the children’s future happiness and success in mind and the continued future success of this wonderful school.